Project highlights

  • Development of new, low-cost, improved accuracy sensors for use by the general public for Citizen Science monitoring of river water health in the UK. 
  • The ability to trial your sensor technology from development in the laboratory to in the field (river systems across the UK). 
  • Working in a friendly and cooperative research group at a world leading institution, with support from project partner The Rivers Trust and Citizen Science volunteers.  


Citizen Science is any activity that involves the public in scientific research. One area where Citizen Science projects have demonstrated their value is in sampling the water quality of natural freshwater rivers. Such river monitoring aids in supplementing the limited and often sporadic monitoring performed by government bodies such as the Environment Agency. Citizen science sampling was recently in the news due to data collected from the River Wye proving that run-off from intensive poultry farms was leading to significant phosphate pollution.1 

Key parameters of interest for river health monitoring include temperature, dissolved oxygen (DO), total dissolved solids (TDS, conductivity), pH, phosphate, nitrate, and turbidity (suspended sediment).2 Currently citizen science sensors need to be low-cost, as they are largely provided to the general public for free by environmental non-government organisations (e.g. The Rivers Trusts / Wildlife Trusts). However, low cost often means compromises are made on range, accuracy, limit of detection and ease of use. For example, the available sensors are typically developed for use in household aquariums not river systems. In contrast, Environment Agency sampling involves high-cost analytical laboratory equipment, which is inaccessible to Citizen Science samplers. The aim of this project would be to bridge the gap and develop low-cost, easy to use instrumentation, which provides improved accuracy and traceability compared to the existing Citizen Science sensors. Data collected in this project will also feed into the “Catchment Systems Thinking Co-operative (CaSTCo) project,3 funded by the OFWAT Innovation Fund whose aim is to develop a national standard framework for catchment monitoring. We will focus on five key parameters during the PhD: DO, pH, TDS, phosphates and nitrates. You will work in the laboratory at the University of Warwick and out in the field. 

The Macpherson group is an internationally recognised and friendly research group at the University of Warwick, recognised for water quality sensor research.4 At Warwick, you will be supervised  by Dr Josh Tully (Research Fellow) and Prof. Julie Macpherson. The project is co-supervised by the Rivers Trust (see below) who lead CaSTCo and can provide access to UK river systems and sampling expertise for the necessary field trials.3   

A “Citizen Scientist” samples water from a river system for testing using the sensors developed in this project. On the left is a schematic representation of critical parameters to measure for freshwater systems, including pH, dissolved oxygen (DO), total dissolved solids (TDS), nitrates

Figure 1: A schematic representing “Citizen Science” sampling from a river, alongside the critical parameters that require measurement and possible measurement methodologies that could be explored during the project. 

CENTA Flagship

This is a CENTA Flagship Project

Case funding

This project is suitable for CASE funding


University of Warwick


  • Climate and Environmental Sustainability
  • Organisms and Ecosystems


Project investigator


How to apply


We will explore a number of different approaches to producing the low-cost analytical sensors. These will include electrochemical measurements (where we record a characteristic potential / current), colourimetry (measure solution absorbance), and/or luminescence (measure light emission). The sensors will be configured such that each measurement has a known dependency on analyte concentration. We will couple these methods with low-cost fabrication methodologies, which also encourage maximum design flexibility, for example 3D-printing and injection moulding. The aim will be to produce functional prototype sensors, which will both be tested by the PhD student and volunteers in the field with support from the Macpherson group and The Rivers Trust. An interested researcher could also choose to develop prototype electronics based on Arduino or other microcontrollers. Students with backgrounds in one of the following would be suited to this project: earth science / environmental science / chemistry / physics / analytical. 

Training and skills

DRs will be awarded CENTA Training Credits (CTCs) for participation in CENTA-provided and ‘free choice’ external training. One CTC can be earned per 3 hours training, and DRs must accrue 100 CTCs across the three and a half years of their PhD.  

Students will receive training in the application/theory of analytical measurement techniques, with a focus on sensor development for water systems. Specific training will be given in the use of (1) electrochemical (2) colorimetric and (3) luminescence measurement methods. Training will also be given in (4) 3D printing (5) open-source electronic platforms and (6) data analysis and handling. The Rivers Trust will offer training in (7) freshwater environmental sampling; (8) commercially available monitoring instrumentation; (9) hands-on sessions highlighting the pros and cons of different measurement approaches.  

Partners and collaboration

The Rivers Trust is the umbrella organisation for 60+ member River Trusts across Britain, Northern Ireland and Ireland. Local Trusts drive positive change for rivers, reducing pollution, building climate resilience and helping nature’s recovery. The Rivers Trust employs around 60 staff, comprising national experts in data analysis, freshwater ecosystems, monitoring technologies, water policy and governance, community engagement, land use impacts, nature-based solutions and much moreSupported by members of The Rivers Trust Technical Team, the successful applicant will have access to experts across the Rivers Trust movement including those at local Trusts (Severn Rivers Trust and Trent Rivers Trust). 

Further details

For more information contact: Prof. Julie Macpherson (UoW, [email protected]), Dr. Josh Tully (UoW, [email protected]), and Simon Browning (The Rivers Trust, [email protected]).

To apply to this project: 

  • You must include a CV with the names of at least two referees (preferably three) who can comment on your academic abilities.  

Applications must be submitted by 23:59 GMT on Wednesday 8th January 2025.  

Possible timeline

Year 1

Laboratory Development and Testing of Sensors for analytes 1 and 2.

Year 2

Field Trial Testing of Sensors aimed at analytes 1 and 2 with the Rivers Trust. Laboratory Development and Testing of Sensors for analytes 3 and 4.

Year 3

Field Testing of Sensors aimed at analytes 3 and 4 with the Rivers Trust.  Laboratory Development and Testing of Sensor for analyte 5.

Year 4 (6 months): Field Testing of Sensor aimed at analyte 5 with the Rivers Trust. Writing PhD thesis. 

Note from year 2 onwards there will be engagement in Citizen Science Projects with the sensors developed, papers detailing the results of the work will also be written through-out the PhD.  

Further reading

1: Jon Ungoed-Thomas (2023) ‘Citizen scientists make a vital difference’: the locals who proved the River Wye was polluted. Available at (Accessed September 19th, 2024). 

2: Hassan Omer N (2020) Water Quality Parameters. Water Quality – Science, Assessments and Policy. IntechOpen. DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.89657. 

3: Catchment Monitoring Cooperative (no date). (Accessed September 19th, 2024). 

4: Warwick Electrochemistry and Interfaces Group. Available at: (Accessed September 19th 2024).