The Central England NERC Training Alliance (CENTA)
The Central England NERC Training Alliance (CENTA) is a consortium of research intensive Universities and research institutes that are working together to provide excellence in doctoral research training. We are funded by the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) through the UKRI’s Collective Talent Funding.
CENTA encompasses research activities within three broad themes:
- Climate and Environmental Sustainability
- Organisms and Ecosystems
- Dynamic Earth
These themes cut across about 20 academic departments within the 6 universities, as well as within the 3 NERC research organisations involved. This reflects both the multidisciplinary nature and excellence of our research and the high numbers of researchers in central England who span the breadth of the NERC remit. A critical mass of researchers in close geographic proximity is one of our great strengths. It facilitates shared access to facilities and training and helps to build a strong cohort identity. Training in CENTA3 is supported systematically by end-users from industry to non-governmental organisations and governmental agencies.

Our Vision
The world’s population now exceeds 7 billion and is projected to reach 9 billion by the middle of the century. More than half the world’s people live in cities, whilst the productive regions of the land and oceans are intensively exploited to meet growing demands for food, water, and energy. Accommodating the needs and aspirations of people, whilst living sustainably within the Earth’s limits is the great challenge of the 21st century.
Furthermore, mitigating and adapting to the effects of climate change, extreme weather and natural hazards is critical. Managing these environmental challenges will require ever-increasing sophistication from a new generation of environmental scientists. Our vision is to attain new standards of excellence in research training and to deliver a transformative interdisciplinary experience for doctoral researchers.
At CENTA we aim to develop well-rounded students confident in a wide range of scientific, research, leadership and entrepreneurial skills. Such individuals will go on to become future sector leaders, equipped with not only specialist and technical expertise in their research fields, but also the ability translate research into impact and to address the complex and shared environmental challenges facing society.
Our Partners
CENTA is a consortium of Universities and research institutes that are working together to provide excellence in doctoral research training within the remit of the Natural Environment Research Council.
Our Students
Our students are graduates who have studied a wide range of subjects including earth sciences, geography, environmental science, chemistry, biology, physics, maths, engineering, and computing.
Management Team
Our team is made up of academics from across a number of institutions and Universities who work together to provide excellence in doctoral research training within the remit of the Natural Environment Research Council.
External partners
CENTA works with external partners across a whole range of areas, including industry, charities and the public and private sectors, to give programmes and students the best experience.
Who do we recruit?
We recruit graduates who have studied a wide range of subjects including earth sciences, geography, environmental science, chemistry, biology, physics, maths, engineering and computing.
How to apply
There are two main pathways to a CENTA studentship with slightly different application processes.
Equality, Diversity & Inclusion
We strive to keep equality, diversity, and inclusion at the heart of every step of our programmes.