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Shuaizhi Guo

University of Warwick


Global change processes in peatlands: a study of the microbiology and biogeochemistry of reactive nitrogen oxides


Dr. Ryan Mushinski, University of Warwick

PhD Summary

Peatlands play a significant role in nitrogen sequestration and store a large amount of reactive nitrogen, which are currently experiencing rapid modifications in response to environmental stimuli such as increased atmospheric nitrogen (N) deposition sourced from human activity. The project will show the prominent N-cycle processes in UK peatland and how N-cycle rates are affected by climate change and natural N-deposition. Also, microbe-iron mediates processes, which can affect nitrogen transformation mechanisms and liberation of reactive nitrogen oxides, will be investigated in the research.

Previous activity

I have been a student pursuing knowledge. I just graduated from the University of Manchester and obtained my master’s degree in September 2022. Now I become a CENTA student and started my doctoral study at the University of Warwick.

Why did you choose doctoral research?

Firstly, my knowledge and skills reserve at master’s level are not enough for supporting my career dream – working in a world-top university and conducting cutting-edge scientific research. Secondly, I had the most tangible experience of environmental pollution and climate change in my childhood. I used to be troubled by allergic rhinitis and asthma due to severe smog and air pollution in my hometown, which inspired my interests in environmental protection and addressing environment issues.

Why did you choose CENTA?

  1. Projects offered by CENTA have a great research potential and value, which attract my interests.
  2. CENTA provides skills training beyond my host university to forage a more comprehensive PhD study.
  3. CENTA allowed me to conduct corporate internships during my PhD studies, such attempts could broaden my career insights and give me more options for employment after graduation.

Future plans

I plan to work at a world-top university and conduct cutting-edge scientific research.

  1. Training arranged by CENTA can let me acquire more skills concerning research engagement, management and leadership, which are highly sought after by recruiters.
  2. CENTA and the University of Warwick have excellent reputations and global influence, which are helpful for my future career planning.
  3. CENTA provides a high-quality academic circle with many talented students who will be the cornerstone of the future environmental science field. I believe socializing with them can benefit me from knowledge gaining and future job seeking.