Dr. Cedric Laize
Hydro-ecological modeller, UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology
Cedric is a hydrologist and physical geographer with 19 years of experience in research and higher education, including 16 years as a researcher within the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC), currently senior scientific officer (hydro-ecological modeller) at its UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology (UKCEH), Wallingford.
Research interests
Environmental flows; ecohydrology; ecohydraulics; stream temperature; spatial data analysis. Having worked and lived in Cambodia during 1999-2001, he has a particular interest in the Mekong basin and Southeast Asia.
Current Projects and Collaborations
He has an on-going project to translate environmental flow research in Cambodia through a collaboration with University College London, UKCEH, the Institute of Technology of Cambodia, and the Tonle Sap Authority.