Dr Jeffrey Evans

Senior Lecturer in Physical Geography, Loughborough University

Jeffrey Evans is a senior lecturer at Loughborough University. He has long-standing expertise and interests in the marine geology and geophysics of the polar fjords and oceans. His work involves using marine geoscience methods and datasets to better understand the changing dynamics, processes and environments of the cryosphere.

Research interests

Jeffrey’s research interests are focused on modern and past ice sheets and glaciers. He is interested in reconstructing the changing nature of modern and Quaternary ice-masses and ice-ocean interaction in Antarctica and Greenland, and characterising large-scale patterns and processes of sedimentation associated with glacier-influenced marine settings and glaciers on various timescales.

Current Projects and Collaborations

Jeffrey is currently working with colleagues at the Alfred Wegener Institute in Germany and University of Newcastle on a project investigating Greenland Ice Sheet dynamics and change during the last deglaciation. He is also working on a project examining Late Quaternary environmental change in the NE Antarctic Peninsula in collaboration with UK-based colleagues. Jeff is currently involved in the EU-funded project ‘Environmental change in the Anthropocene’ which is focused on using sediment records from High Arctic lakes in NE Greenland to reconstruct contemporary and past environmental change.