Dr. Jonathan Naden
BUFI team leader British Geological Survey
- 2006 : Team Leader, BGS University Funding Initiative
- 2003 : Economic geologist and minerals geoscientist
- 2001 –2002 : EU Marie Curie Fellow, University of Athens
- 1989 –2000 : Mineralogist and isotope geochemist
- 1987 –1988 : BP Minerals International
- 1983 –1986 : PhD University of Aston, Gold mineralisation
Research interests
- CO2 sequestration by mineralisation
- Mineralisation and magmatism
- Remote sensing, GIS and mineral exploration
- Weathering of mineral deposits
Current Projects and Collaborations
- Airborne remote sensing and natural hazards and resources, Greece (University of Hull)
- Carbonate mineralisation in ophiolites as natural analogues for carbon dioxide sequestration, United Arab Emirates (University of Leicester)
- Exploration for secondary copper deposits, Cyprus (Camborne School of Mines & the Natural History Museum)
- Novel applications of airborne LiDAR and multispectral data for high-resolution geological mapping, Cyprus (University of Leicester)
- Porphyry copper mineralisation, Greece (Kingston University & University of Athens)
- Rare earth element resources in the UK
- Tectonics, magmatism and mineralisation, Solomon Islands (University of Leicester)